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In the Purrsuit of Knowledge

At Holiday Barn, we help pet-parents purrsue pet care knowledge. We take great care in doing this (and with their…

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Doggy Friends

Pups are social animals, too. But just like people, making friends can be a challenge. As a pet parent, it’s…

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The Importance of Microchipping Your Pets

Warm weather is enticing to your house cats and pups, enticing enough for them to bolt out the door. Collars,…

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How Time Changes Like Daylight Savings Can Affect Our Pets

As humans, we often grumble about losing or gaining an hour of sleep when Daylight Savings Time rolls around. But…

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Spring into Richmond Events with Your Dog

As winter melts away, and the flowers start to bloom, Richmond, Virginia, becomes a hub of vibrant activity, especially for…

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New Upper Respiratory Illness in Dogs

Dear Holiday Barn Customer, All of us at Holiday Barn Pet Resorts hope you and your pets are enjoying a…

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Should you Rename your Rescue?

Back in 2020, we published a blog titled, “Naming Your Dog”. The blog suggested lots of fun ideas for naming…

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How Dogs Learn from Other Dogs

I have never had the experience of bringing a new puppy into the home with an existing, “resident” dog, but…

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Pet Lovers


The Dog Days of Summer

After coming inside from a miserably sweltering potty walk with my pup, I am wondering if it could possibly get…

Pet Lovers


Mindful Dog Walking

Last year, we published a blog called “What’s Going on at the Other End of the Leash”. Although the initial…

Pet Lovers


From Zero to Zoomies: Exploring Why Your Dog Suddenly Gets Hyperactive

I didn’t hear the term “zoomies” until I started working at Holiday Barn Pet Resorts. I had witnessed my 4-legged…

Pet Health



Dear Holiday Barn Customer, All of us at Holiday Barn hope that you and your pets are enjoying a fun…



10 Reasons Dog Lovers Love Richmond, VA

Richmond has gone to the dogs – and it’s a GOOD thing! That’s one of the many reasons why we…

Pet Lovers


My Bundle of Joy

I’m struggling to stay awake this morning. My little one was up twice in the night. It’s one of those…

Pet Lovers


Hyperactivity in Dogs

We’ve all probably used “hyper” to describe our dogs at one time or another, but being hyperactive is more than…

Dog Fun


Pack Walks

There is nothing more enjoyable for a dog than a walk with its human; one-on-one walks with your best furry…

Pet Health


Fading Puppy Syndrome

Fading puppy syndrome is a sad subject to write about. I begin with good news to inject a positive note…

Pet Lovers


Rabbits as Pets

Most people start a conversation with a stranger by asking, “Where are you from?”, or “What do you do for…

Pet Health


Upper Respiratory Infections in Dogs

This past fall and winter, the news was inundated with reports of a canine cough outbreak. In February of this…

Pet Lovers


Bad Advice

There is no shortage of opinions when it comes to training dogs. It was way too easy for me to…

Pet Lovers


Do Dogs Get Jealous?

I was watching a cute video this morning from Holiday Barn Pet Resorts Dog Daycare. While the focus of the…

Dog Fun


AKC Farm Dog Certification

Have you ever heard of the AKC Farm Dog Certification? It is a fairly new program by the AKC, having…

Pet Lovers


The Struggles Of Tethered Dogs

I recently visited an area outside of Virginia and was troubled by the number of tethered dogs I observed in…

Pet Health


Flu Vaccination Update

Hello Holiday Barn Customer, All of us hope you and your pets are off to a great New Year and…

Pet Health


The Importance Of Cleaning Your Pet’s Bowls

Allow me to brag about myself a bit. I am a fastidious dog mom. Not over-the-top, but very attentive to…

Dog Training


Dog Training Tips for the Holiday Season

<sup>First published Dec. 3, 2018</sup> The holidays can be a confusing time for a dog. Maybe it’s your pup’s first…

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