Pet Health
It’s a new year and some of us would like to shed a few excess pounds as part of our…
Monday – Friday
7:00 am – 7:00 pm
7:00 am – 6:00 pm
9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Monday – Friday
7:00 am – 7:00 pm
7:00 am – 6:00 pm
9:00 am – 6:00 pm
I read a scathing blog this morning by a woman who was livid over her dog being “rejected” from dog daycare (NOT Holiday Barn Pet Resorts, BTW!). She was angry. After bad-mouthing the entire organization, she decided that her dog was just too good for daycare anyway! Humph! The writer probably felt that her dog had “failed” it’s Camp orientation and she was offended by that. She used the words “dismissed” and “unfairly banned” in describing her dog’s ousting from daycare, concluding that her dog was “entirely faultless” …obviously taking it very personal.
I’m guessing her feelings were equivalent to what a mother would feel if her child was kicked out of school, and I can understand why her first reaction would be insult, maybe even embarrassment. Of course, she took it personally… she felt she had failed somehow, and then wondered what was “wrong” with her dog. Then in her already heightened state of mind, she probably over-analyzed the situation…. growing more and more angry as time went on. Had the Daycare Manager fully and professionally explained the reasons behind her dog not being admitted, there would have been no reason for her to feel slighted in any way.
It happens more often than you’d think… An otherwise wonderful, lovable dog doesn’t make it past Orientation Day at Camp Holiday Barn. Why is the Orientation day important, and exactly what takes place during this time? How do we decide who is admitted into Camp and who isn’t?
In order to give your dog the full attention that he will need on the first day of his or her new adventure, we only allow a certain number of orientations to be done in one day.
Our Camp Manager, or another qualified pack member, will meet you and your dog in the morning of your pup’s orientation day. He/she will discuss your application with you and go over some specific questions regarding your dog’s preferences. This meet-n-greet time with you begins the process of making your dog feel comfortable in his new surroundings.
After you leave, we will take your pup to the “camp pavilion”, a waiting area where each dog has his own private enclosure as he waits for his group to go outside to play. Upon reaching the pavilion, we spend a few minutes one-on-one with the dog, getting to know him and letting him meet the rest of the camp staff before leading him to his enclosure.
When it’s time for him to play, a camp attendant will escort your dog by a leash into a play yard. We give him time to sniff around and get acclimated before we bring another dog into the play yard. The new dog is one we are very familiar with, who tends to be mild-mannered and sociable with other campers. We observe the interaction between the two dogs, noting any signs of fear or anxiety. If your dog is comfortable, we will allow another one of our familiar campers into the play yard. We continue this process until we have no more than 10 dogs in your pup’s first play group.
If all goes well, we let your dog off the leash to play but continue to assess his body language throughout the day, making sure he is enjoying himself.
The orientation procedure helps to make our daycare safer and more fun for our little Campers. By assessing your dog’s level of socialization and temperament, we are able to place him in a playgroup that will minimize the possibility of injury and maximize the potential for enjoyment. Orientation helps us to get acquainted with your dog, learn his preferences, his play style, and then place him where he is the most comfortable.
We allow only 3 orientations per day so that we are able to give the utmost attention to each individual pet. We don’t rush introductions. This can be a very stressful time for a new dog in camp. It also raises the anxiety level of the Camp Attendants and Campers somewhat too. We don’t know how the dogs will react to one another and must be vigilant in observing the body language and signals that the dogs are giving off. Orientation day is a time for your dog to get to know us as well! We want him to feel relaxed and comfortable with our staff. Rushing your dog through orientation and the accompanying stress it would bring is unfair to the dog and contrary to what we hope to accomplish. We want your dog to find his “happy place” at Camp Holiday Barn.
There are three basic requirements of coming to doggie daycare:
Although there are some dogs are who are not allowed into daycare for behavioral reasons, often it has nothing to do with problem behavior, per se. Being denied admittance to daycare does not label him a “bad” dog. There are many reasons why a dog is not the right fit for daycare.
Let’s take a look at some “non-behavioral” reasons why your dog might not be the right fit for Doggie Daycare:
Basically, none of the above reasons are cause for real concern on the part of the owner. Aside from better socialization, behavior modification or correction is not necessarily needed. It’s just the way the dog is. It’s what makes him a unique little individual. Could we condition him to conform? Maybe, but if we place our pets in an environment that they do not like, we do them a great disservice.
There are, however, reasons for not being allowed to attend dog daycare that raise some red flags. In these cases, it is recommended that the owner seek council with a Holiday Barn Pet Resorts Personal Dog Trainer.
If your dog does not do well at Camp Holiday Barn and you are too busy at work to come pick him up, don’t fret. We will set him up in a comfortable room and do some one-on-one walks, play and cuddle time until you are free to come get him at the end of the day. We will not make him stay in a playgroup and be miserable all day. Pushing him into a playgroup when he is unhappy is the worst thing we could do.
Camp Orientation can be scheduled by our Reservation Specialists when you call either of our two Holiday Barn Pet Resort locations. In Glen Allen, call 804-672-2200, and on Richmond’s South side, call 804-794-5400. You must have an appointment before bringing your dog in for an orientation.
Pet Health
It’s a new year and some of us would like to shed a few excess pounds as part of our…